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Writer's pictureBeth Repp

Emotional Tools

The following three emotional tools are very helpful.

  1. HALT

This is a tool used by AA and other recovery groups. It stands for:

  • Hungry

  • Angry

  • Lonely

  • Tired

This is a useful tool when you find yourself reaching for your buffering/numbing substance of choice. What are you really in need of? Are you hungry, angry, lonely, or tired? If so, address the true underlying need.


This is a tool described by psychologist and author Tara Brach (author of Radical Acceptance). It stands for:

  • Recognize

  • Allow

  • Investigate

  • Nurture

This is useful when experiencing negative emotions. First, recognize which primary emotion is occurring. Second, allow the emotion and your experience to be present. Don't attempt to rid yourself of it or avoid it. Third, investigate why it occurred. What were the particular circumstances, thoughts, and beliefs that led to the emotion? And finally, treat yourself with nurturing and self-compassion. Don't feel bad for feeling bad. This is similar to a previous blog in which I described the what/where/why method. What emotion am I feeling? Where is it located in my body? Why is it there?

3. Feelings Wheel

There are many different versions of feelings wheels or emotion wheels. A google image search will bring up many beautiful ones. This is useful when trying to identify what specific emotion you are feeling.

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