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Writer's pictureBeth Repp

Ideal Day

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

One of my favorite coaching tools is the Ideal Day. Take some time to sit quietly and really imagine what your ideal day looks like. Try to make this an average Tuesday. Then grab a fancy notebook and a pen. Where do you live? What kind of living arrangements are you in? Who lives with you? What is your morning routine? What is your kitchen and closet full of? What is your mode of transportation? How do you spend your day? What work are you involved in? What hobbies are you excited about? How do you move and honor your body? What is your body experiencing? Where do you eat dinner? With whom are your closest relationships? How are you feeding your soul? Really take time to think about all the details of this. Get wild. Only you are going to see this.

Now look at this same list of questions and answer them all according to what last Tuesday ACTUALLY looked like in your life. Read the ideal vs the real again. Where are you the closest already to your ideal life? Where are you really divergent?

Pick one area. There are no rules. It can be the easiest thing to alter or the biggest. For example, if you are imagining sauntering up to a sunlit table with a bowl full of mango and berries in the morning, but in reality you are eating the soggy last spoonfuls of your daughter’s rice krispies, that might be an easy place to start to gain some momentum. Buy yourself the mango. On the other hand, you may want to pick the area that is really the thorn in your side. Maybe you dream of living in some wide open spaces, and your current digs are in a tiny apartment in a big city. For the big shifts, break down the changes you would need to make in your life to realize this ideal situation. Keep breaking down the changes into tiny turtle steps. For example, the first step may be just starting a list of states or locations you’d be interested in visiting.

By spending time thinking and dreaming, you don’t manifest magic. You are quietly, slowly, setting the intention for yourself of not settling for a situation that does not light you up. Tiny persistent shifts add up to one day living in total alignment with oneself. Fully inhabit your ideal life.

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