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Writer's pictureBeth Repp

Live with Purpose

A key to happiness, satisfaction, and even longevity, is having a sense of purpose.

The Japanese concept of Ikigai describes that which gives a person a sense of purpose, or a reason for living. If we are so lucky to find the combination of these four things: what we love, what we are good at, what the world needs, and what we can be paid for, we have found our ikigai. Once found, ikigai adds buoyancy to your life. Work no longer feels like work. There are no Sunday nights dreading going to work on Monday morning. Warren Buffett describes himself as “tap dancing into work” in the mornings.

Source: Toronto Star Graphic

In Dan Buettner’s study of The Blue Zones, those areas in the world with the greatest number of centenarians, he was able to identify nine characteristics these cultures shared. One of the nine is Purpose. “The Okinawans call it ‘Ikigai’ and the Nicoyans call it ‘plan de vida;’ for both it translates to ‘why I wake up in the morning.’ Knowing your sense of purpose is worth up to seven years of extra life expectancy.”

Having a sense of purpose can mean having a larger purpose to your life’s arc. It can be the thing that guides your parenting, your close relationships, and your career goals. But it doesn’t have to be that grand. A study done in the 1970’s showed that giving nursing home residents a plant to care for reduced their mortality by 50% over the following 18 months! (Langer et al: The effects of choice and enhanced personal responsibility for the aged: a field experiment in an institutional setting)

Taking a moment to set an intention in the morning, or to list your top two or three priorities for the day can really set the tone of the day, provide you a reference point for your purpose, and give each day a greater amount of satisfaction and joy. I have found using the Define My Day journals to be helpful for this ( Some days the priority may simply be laundry. It may be rest. Recognize it as your day’s purpose and give yourself the satisfaction of achieving it.

I remember having a conversation with my mom at a time when I was trying to get into medical school. I was very anxious I wouldn’t be able to complete my goal. My mom’s advice to me was “we are all just cogs in a wheel. Everything each of us does is important.” What great advice. Each time I think of that it gives me peace. Each of us can bring meaning to our days and to others by showing up even with small goals. We are all just cogs in a wheel.

So imbue your days with purpose. Live with intention. Set the small priorities of each day, and the grand vision of your life’s purpose. Then take a moment at the end of each day to appreciate the feelings of satisfaction and joy it brings you.

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